An exclusive exhibition is set to illuminate Villa Fiorentino with the showcase “In the Sign of Tradition: the Goldsmith Art of Gerardo Sacco”.
As part of a series of events titled “Portraits of Made in Italy: Art and Culture for Export”, the exhibition is scheduled from April 13 to Sunday, May 26, 2024.
In 2024, Sorrento will emerge as the capital of Made in Italy, thanks to the joint efforts of the Sorrento Foundation and the Municipality, which have created a series of events and exhibitions to celebrate Italian excellence.
“Portraits of Made in Italy” opens with an extraordinary exhibition dedicated to the goldsmith art of Gerardo Sacco, considered an undisputed master of the field.
His creations draw inspiration from the traditions and history of Crotone, his hometown.
Among his prestigious international collaborations, one cannot forget those with Franco Zeffirelli and the immortal Hollywood diva Liz Taylor.